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Genre: Fulldome, Astronomy
Country: USA
Duration: 21 min. + 15 min starry sky
Recommended age: from 12 years

Explore the Sun in all its glory in this fulldome show. Sunstruck takes us on a journey to discover the wonders of our magnificent Sun and investigate how our star has supported life on Earth for millennia, but is now threatening our technology and way of life. This program includes information on the structure of our Sun, the source of its energy, and how solar activity impacts our world.

Travel to back to the beginning of time and to the distant future to discover our Sun’s connection to the Universe’s cosmic cycle of life and death.

The film is available in Russian and English on preliminary requests.

Only in the planetarium you can see an unusual fulldome show and at the end of the film you will take a tour of the fascinating starry sky (in Russian).

Ticket price — 6.00 BYN